Black Tambourine
City of Origin: Silver Spring, MD, USA
Period of Activity: Early 1990s
Members: Pam Berry, Archie Moore, Brian Nelson, Michael Schulman
Related Artists: Belmondo, Bright Coloured Lights, Heartworms, The Shapiros, Velocity Girl, Whorl
- By Tomorrow EP (1991)
- Throw Aggi off the Bridge EP (1992)
- Complete Recordings (1999)
- Black Tambourine (2009) (expanded reissue of Complete Recordings)
- OneTwoThreeFour EP (2012)
Social Media: Bandcamp
Black Tambourine are probably my favorite noise pop band of all time, and they did it all in under half an hour! Pam Berry has one of the most ghostly voices in all of indiepop, and it's backed up by some of the most crushing guitars this side of metal (one RateYourMusic reviewer compares it to the idea of "twee black metal", in a description that has stuck with me for years). Black Tambourine's music always gives me the mental image of someone who's caught out all alone in a storm, trying and failing to make her voice heard over the thunder. If I could only have one indiepop album, it would be extremely hard for me not to pick Black Tambourine's Complete Recordings. If you've not heard them before, you owe it to yourself right now; if you have already heard them, well, there's no reason why you shouldn't listen to them some more, is there?