City of Origin: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Period of Activity: 1990s
Members: Neko Case (former), Valeria Fellini (former), Robynn Iwata, Lisa Marr, Lisa Nielsen
Related Artists: Neko Case
- Betti-Cola (1993)
- Come Out Come Out (1995)
- Box of Hair (1996)
Social Media: Bandcamp
Cub are one of those bands who have taken a whole lot of cues from Beat Happening. They've got a similar type of ramshackle beach party vibe to them (at least on Betti-Cola, the only album I have too much familiarity with), though their songs have never quite worked as well for me for some reason. But if you're already into Beat Happening, you'd probably like them pretty well too. Outside of the world of indiepop, they're probably best known for having their song "New York" covered by They Might Be Giants.