The Rondelles
City of Origin: Albuquerque, NM, USA
Period of Activity: Late 90s to early 00s
Members: Yukiko Moynihan, Oakley Munson, Juliet Swango, Cory Shane, Darian Zahedi
Related Artists: None that I know of
- Fiction Romance, Fast Machines (1998)
- The Fox (2000)
- Shined Nickels and Loose Change (2001, compilation)
- Good Enough for Gravy (2008, live)
- In Your Face (2008, compilation)
Social Media: Bandcamp | Bandcamp, Part 2
It's only been a few days since I first heard them, and yet I've already forgotten how I happened to come across these guys. I had a tab open for one of their albums for a couple weeks and, as those things often go, it got buried by a whole host of other tabs that were more immediately on my mind. Anyway, I finally made time to listen to them this weekend and I'm so glad I did. They're just such a fun band, very much the type that wish they could be soundtracking one of those 60s beach party movies. And you know what, I wish they could too!