Welcome to the Indiepop Atlas! Here's what's been going on lately!
UPDATE: 03/15/2025
New country page!!! Take a trip to Argentina and check out some new bands! (Just one band for now actually, but it's a good one.) Also, be on the lookout for a long-awaited Reader Submissions post in the next week or so. Over the past several months I've received some submissions that meet the requirements I've asked for, but I've been too overwhelmed to respond to them as of yet. I think I'm finally finding the energy to go ahead and do that soon, though! If you're one of those submitters, I'm sorry I haven't responded to your emails, and I will make it up to you shortly!
UPDATE: 02/11/2025
Been sick all week so that whole idea of "doing an update every single day" went out the window pretty much immediately. I'm finally on the mend and felt up to doing some housekeeping for the site; I've created an "Artists" section of the site that gives an alphabetical list of all the bands I've already made pages for. I might remove the Bandcamp/social media placeholder links for bands that don't have a page yet, but I'm undecided on that for now. Is their presence confusing when trying to read about a group through the Atlas pages? Please let me know!
UPDATE: 02/01/2025
I've kind of been forgetting about the Atlas these past several months (as I have in most of the months before that), but I've committed to doing at least one update each day for the entirety of this month. Let's hope that gets me some good momentum to keep it up into the future!
UPDATE: 10/15/2024
I've decided to downsize the Atlas a tiny bit. My current theory is that I've been too overwhelmed by all the artists I have to make pages for (many of whom I've not even listened to). So I'm going to get rid of all those listings for now, and bring them back once I've got the rest of the site in better order. I apologize for any inconvenience that may cause, but let's be honest, you're probably not going to be missing much for the loss of a Bandcamp link with no context. Hopefully this will lead to more completed profile pages like I've been promising for the better part of a year now. Time will tell!
UPDATE: 09/12/2024
Been a while since the last time I told y'all anything, so here's a quick update on what I'm planning to do this weekend: the "Reviews" section of the site is going to be changed into an "Articles" section, and will be dedicated to things I write that can't really be called just a review. Things like the Reader Submissions article I did a while back (sorry I've not done another one of these, I totally got overwhelmed by form letter submissions and still haven't been able to get myself back into the swing of things!), or an Albums of the Year ranking, or maybe even interviews (I don't have any current plans to interview any artists, but I think it would be fun to give it a try sometime)! Reviews of albums and EPs will still remain reachable through band profiles. I'll probably still give a quick update or a post to the front page when I'm reviewing something new or particularly noteworthy (or something I really want to share with people), but if it's just like a short post about a middling 00s band or something, you're not going to be getting any heads up about that unless it's a band whose page you watch religiously. On that note, there will also be a review of Chime School's new album coming up this weekend, as soon as I write up their profile page. Be on the lookout for that!
UPDATE: 08/05/2024
Added a couple more artist profiles on my lunch break: Pidgeon and Black Tambourine! Here's hoping this marks the start of a new era of productiveness in improving the site? Probably not going to be adding any new artists until I've got profile pages for all the ones that are already here; sorry to anyone who has a submission in the next few months (though mostly it's just been form letters from agents lately anyway).
UPDATE: 07/28/2024
As all too often happens, the weekend where "nothing's going on" turns out to be a weekend where there's actually a whole lot going on. So my grandiose plans of adding so much information that I can't even summarize it all fell through. But at least you can read a bit of me rambling on about Sally Shapiro and her indiepop that isn't strictly indiepop at all. Also the chatroom service that I'd put in last month kinda died already, so we're gonna try a new guestbook instead. Here's hoping third time's the charm!
UPDATE: 07/25/2024
Two new countries added today! We've now got Poland and South Korea, though there's not much to those pages yet. Please tell me a bit about your favorite bands from Poland and South Korea! I think I might even be able to get around to making a few band pages this weekend, so keep on the lookout for those.
UPDATE: 06/17/2024
Happened to randomly come across a great and very unknown song from 25 years ago, so now I've got my passion for the site back just like that! Review will be going up shortly (EDIT: you can now read about this album here), but in the meantime I've made one significant change to the site: the Guestbook (originally from a site which is going defunct at the end of the month) has now been replaced by a chatroom. Please behave yourselves and keep it a fun place for all indiepop fans. I'm going to slowly work my way through the significant backlog of emails that you've all been sending me the past three months and get around to checking out your bands, I promise. That being said, I will not be accepting emails from agents or promoters; I only want to hear directly from indiepop fans or indiepop bands who can put a personalized touch to their messages. Sorry if this is burdensome to any would-be submitters, but honestly it was all the submissions I got in March that burned me out in the first place, so this is a necessary step to keep my passion for the site alive.
UPDATE: 03/24/2024
I've not really touched the site this past month, I've not even been listening to all that much indiepop. I've come to the decision it's time to announce a hiatus until my cyclic interest in the genre returns. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause, but I promise to return even better in the future.
UPDATE: 02/29/2024
Your inconstant site owner has finally made an appearance! Here's a song from everyone who sent me music this past month. Hope y'all enjoy some of them!
UPDATE: 02/12/2024
Been another busy week offline for me, finally made one change I've been meaning to do: swap the "About" tab to be the homepage and replace the old "About" with an "Updates" tab, as you can see if you're reading this. Also added our first Peruvian entry to the Atlas, along with a couple quick little artist pages. Also I accidentally erased the old Atlas page, so it probably looks a bit different now, sorry! I think I just need to get into a groove of making sure I update at least one thing per day. But I probably won't give y'all an update for every little thing anymore, just the significant ones.
UPDATE: 02/06/2024
No need to fear, I have not forgotten about the Atlas itself! Not a big update, but enough that I don't feel like I'm abandoning the site anymore. I'm also thinking it'll take a while to get artist pages up for all the already-cataloged artists; there's a few there that I don't feel like I know well enough to write a brief summary for, alas. Also don't forget about the poll from a few weeks ago! I've got a few answers, but I'd love to have more before I can decide the results are representative of the readers!
UPDATE: 02/02/2024
The reissue of The Decline and Fall of Heavenly has been released today! In its honor, I have reissued an old review I found in the archives, written all the way back in 2017. I hope y'all like it!
UPDATE: 01/28/2024
New review today! Unlike the past few, which have been some of my obscurest faves, this one is for a brand new album: Fairweather Friend by the Umbrellas.
UPDATE: 01/26/2024
Been thinking about artists who may have started out as indiepop, but are currently not. For example, Primal Scream or Javiera Mena. I'm personally not sure if I think that type of artist should be included here, so I thought I'd put it to a reader vote. Y'all can go here to fill out a quick poll to let me know what you think! In a week or two, once I've got a representative number of results, I'll make sure to let everyone know the results. Thanks in advance to all who take it, you're helping to make Indiepop Atlas the best site it can be!
UPDATE: 01/25/2024
Been a pretty busy week, but I finally made profile pages for the reviewed artists! It's gonna take a while for me to get pages made for all the other artists, but it'll happen eventually. No other new content, unfortunately.
UPDATE: 01/18/2024
Added a review of the Capricorns' debut album, In the Zone! I've still not done any work on starting to create artist pages, unfortunately, but that's still coming up in the near future. By the end of this weekend, I hope to have that done for at least the artists whose albums are reviewed on here.
UPDATE: 01/16/2024
Added a review of Betelmire's EP 606 MPH! I've also made the first baby steps into creating artist profiles for all the entries on the site, so expect that to be accomplished in the next couple weeks. I might also change these updates to their own posts, but I haven't decided yet. That's it for now, talk later!
UPDATE: 01/12/2024
Added pages for Germany, Switzerland, and Australia to the site! I've also added an old review I wrote for the Pennikurvers self-titled. I'm going to try to keep a good mixture of new albums and my thoughts on old favorites in the reviews section. If there's something you think'd like to review for the site, please send me an email about it! I'd love to hear from you!
UPDATE: 01/10/2024
I have written the first ever Indiepop Atlas review! It's for dalsi's 2023 album Cantigas de amor; I hope my review inspires some of y'all to check them out and fall in love like I did. At the time of writing this update, the link in the reviews page does not work yet, but it should be all fixed up by the time you read this.
UPDATE: 01/02/2024
We've got our first reader-submitted update! Thank you so much to Jaime, who graciously shared his knowledge of Spanish indiepop with the Atlas. I've been checking out his submissions all morning, and I highly recommend that anyone reading this do the same.
UPDATE: 12/31/2023
The site is now usable an entire day ahead of schedule! This first set of bands is very much focused on those who are currently active, and also very biased towards things I've already heard. As someone who created the site because she had trouble finding new indiepop bands, that obviously means the lists are rather limited for now. If your favorite band is missing, or if you're in a band you think belongs here, please just send me an email at indiepopatlas@gmail.com and I'll add it ASAP! Thanks so much for reading!